Tuesday, 11 September 2012

C++ ( Tutorials XIII )


Before providing a technical explanation a compiler in layman’s language is a program which will read through the C++ program code (code refers to the program written by the programmer) line by line. The compiler will read each and every character that has been typed in the program code. After reading the entire code, the compiler will convert the code into machine level format (i.e. 0s and 1s). The compiler is very dedicated and hard working since it will meticulously read each and every character.

Technically speaking, the microprocessor in a computer can understand only binary numbers (only 0s and 1s). It is not possible for us to write programs in binary numbers.Compilers will convert the coding for a program into machine understandable form (i.e. it will convert the instructions we type into machine understandable form). The instructions we type (in something similar to English), is known as the source code. The compiler converts the source code into the object code (which the microprocessor understands and we cannot understand).


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