Thousand of people die every year due to the failure of their heart, Kidney, liver or pencreas, or from a shortage of blood.Over two million people,mostly children,suffer from blindness caused by damaged corneas. But there is a way that we can help: If we human beings would agree to donate our healthy organs for the benefit of others, many lives could be saved and blindness avoided.We should be aware that all organs in our bodies,except for the brain, can be replaced, and tissues like skin and bone can be repaired and reconstructed.
Any Person in good health, of any race, gender or caste, may be a donor. If you are under 18, you will need the consent of your parent or guardian. you can also donate heart, heart valves, lungs, liver and your whole body for medical research and education.
Any Person in good health, of any race, gender or caste, may be a donor. If you are under 18, you will need the consent of your parent or guardian. you can also donate heart, heart valves, lungs, liver and your whole body for medical research and education.
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